2021 Theatre Lee Moon SaeConcert «2021 Theatre Lee Moon Sae» – Busan

Have you been well? We should meet once this year. As much as the audience expects the performance, the singer also wants to see his audience. After this, 2021 will pass quickly … I hope we can meet in the third season of [Theater Lee Moon Sae] this year. We are waiting for you on the stage that we have been waiting for so long.

START: Jul.9, 2021
END: Jul.10, 2021
HOURS: Friday 8:00 pm / Saturday 6:00 pm
DURATION: 120 minutes
AGE: over 7 years old

R seats: KRW 143,000
S seats: KRW 121,000
Red sunset seats: KRW 88,000

RESERVATION (Kor): https://www.globalinterpark.com/detail/edetail?prdNo=21002454&dispNo=undefined 

PHONE (Kor): 1833-3755
WEBSITE (Kor): https://www.dreamtheatre.co.kr/Global/Index 

Dream Theatre
133, Jeonpo-daero, Munhyeon 2-dong, Nam-gu, Busan

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