Ahn Jung-geun, a Dance in the Heaven - Korean CultureBallet «Ahn Jung-geun, a Dance in the Heaven»

The creative ballet “Ahn Jung-geun, A Dance in the Heaven“ is a dramatic ballet created in honor of Ahn Jung-geun, a creative ballet staged by the Seoul Center for the Arts to commemorate the 111th anniversary of the death of the Doctor Ahn Jung-geun.

START: Aug.13, 2021
END: Aug.15, 2021
HOURS: Friday 19:30 / Saturday 15:00, 18:00 / Sunday 15:00
DURATION: 70 minutes
AGE: over 8 years old

R seats: KRW 70,000
S seats: KRW 50,000
A seats: KRW 30,000

RESERVATION (Kor): https://www.sac.or.kr/site/main/show/show_view?SN=46384#n  

PHONE (Kor): 02-580-1300
WEBSITE (Kor): https://www.sac.or.kr/site/main/home  

Seoul Arts Center, CJ Towol Theater
2406 Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul

예술의전당 CJ토월극장
서울특별시 서초구 남부순환로 2406
